Monday, June 28, 2010

Is it Best to Use an Electric Toothbrush Or a Manual Toothbrush?

It is clear to see that a lot of people today prefer to use an electric toothbrush over a manual toothbrush, but is this really going to help people with their dental hygiene? Are there any scientific reasons why using an an electric brush is going to yield more positive results that using your regular brush?

Well, the truth is that using an electric toothbrush is not really any better than brushing your teeth really. The problem, however, arises when people do not brush their teeth properly with a manual brush, and this is where using an electric version tends to be the better option.

There are certainly a number of benefits of using an electric toothbrush rather than your manual version. One of the main benefits is the fact that your electric brush is going to have a number of different cleaning settings that you are able to put it on. Different cleaning motions such as oscillating, rotary, and pulsating allow the user to gain a great all-around clean.

In addition to this the amount of effort that you need to go to when you clean your teeth is going to be reduced significantly. Whilst it is not particularly difficult brush your teeth manually, some people will find the relevant movements more difficult than others. Therefore these people will find it a lot easier using an electric toothbrush where you simply need to hold the toothbrush in position using the correct amount of pressure. You are even able to get certain electric brushes that will be able to tell you went too much pressure is being applied, and these are therefore fantastic at cleaning your teeth more efficiently.

If you do use a manual toothbrush and you are using it in the correct way, then there is no reason why an electric version should be any more efficient. As long as you are applying the right amount of pressure and brushing your teeth in the correct motion, you should be able to guarantee that your teeth are being cleaned as extensively as they should be.

Whichever option you choose to take, it is important that you commit to the right schedule. We are all supposed to brush our teeth twice a day at the very least - once in the morning, at once in the evening before settling into bed.

Whatever sort of toothbrush you use, if you are keeping your schedule and brushing your teeth for a couple of minutes on each occasion, you should be able to guarantee that your dental hygiene is perfectly fine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good work...