Friday, August 20, 2010

Salmonella Outbreaks Spur Nationwide Egg Recall

Salmonella Outbreaks Spur Nationwide Egg Recall
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Flu Vaccine Arriving, Get Yours ASAP

CDC: Flu Vaccine Arriving, Get Yours ASAP
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Hands-Free Headsets Don't Improve Driving Safety

Study: Hands-Free Headsets Don't Improve Driving Safety
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Chocolate May Cut Heart Failure Risk

Chocolate May Cut Heart Failure Risk
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Acetaminophen: Teen Asthma Trigger?

Acetaminophen: Teen Asthma Trigger?
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Morning-After Pill Ella Wins FDA Approval

New Morning-After Pill Ella Wins FDA Approval
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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Do You Know? TMJ Pain Causing Dizziness, Ear Fullness and Crackling Sound and Temple Headache !!!!

Do you experience jaw pain? Or do you clinch and grind your teeth?
If so, then you're not alone. It's estimated that over 20% of the general population at one time or another have symptoms relating to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

Your jaw or the TMJ is the most frequently used joint in the body. It's also one of the most complex joints. Much like the knee joint, a small disc of cartilage cushions and separates the TMJ so the jaw may move easily. Each time you talk, chew or swallow you move the TMJ.

The jaw has three functional motions: opening / closing, side-to-side and protrusion / retraction. When the mouth is opened, the TMJ first rotates around a horizontal axis. And as you open your mouth wider, the motion is then combined with gliding of the jaw forward and downward. When you close your mouth the motion is reversed.

A common jaw problem is TMJ dysfunction syndrome. TMJ dysfunction syndrome typically occurs in women between the ages of 20 and 40 years. Early signs and symptoms include jaw clicking, tenderness to the muscles in front of the ear and back of the teeth and dull aching pain in the joint. These symptoms are often followed by spasms of the jaw muscles characterized by pain on movement of the jaw during chew and talking. Gradually, the pain becomes worse and is accompanied by decrease mobility.

Chronic and untreated TMJ dysfunction syndrome can displace the cartilage that causes pressure and stretching of the associated soft tissues and sensory nerves. The displaced cartilage can get trap in certain position when you open your mouth causing your jaw to lock up.

When you clinch and grind your teeth, you increase the wear of the cartilage lining of the joint. You'll also increase the stress and strain of the associated jaw muscles including the pterygoid, masseter, temporalis and digastric muscles. These muscles are often tight, sore and pain sensitive to touch.

Typical symptoms of TMJ dysfunction syndrome include ear pain, sore jaw muscles, temple headache, jaw pop or clicking, difficulty opening mouth and neck aches. However, people who clinch their teeth a lot may also experience dizziness, disequilibrium and feeling of pressure or fullness in their ears and hear crackling sounds.

Regular clinching of the jaw may also affect the tensor tympani and tensor veli palatini muscles. The tensor tympani muscle controls the movement of the ear drum. When it spasms you'll hear rumbling and crackling sounds. You'll often feel that your ear drum is trembling and vibrating like when you're jumping on a trampoline. The tensor veli palatini muscle controls the diameter of the auditory tube. And when it spasms, you'll often feel pressure or fullness in your ears.

There are a few things you can do to relief TMJ pain. Avoid chewing gums and eat softer food until the pain subsides. Wearing a mouth guard when you sleep may reduce the stress and strain associated with teeth clinching and grinding. And stretching your mouth may relief your TMJ pain.

Sit in a relax and comfortable position. Now place your tongue in contact with the hard palate as far back as possible while keeping your jaw in a retracted position. Maintaining your tongue and jaw in this position, slowly and rhythmically open your mouth in a limited range ten times. When you finished with this warm up exercise, open your mouth as wide as possible within the pain-free limit and hold this open mouth position for about five seconds. Now relax and close your mouth for five seconds. Repeat this exercise two to three times a day.

If you continue to experience TMJ pain and associated problems despite D-I-Y remedies, consider consulting with a chiropractor specializes with TMJ disorders.

Dr. Danny Tong is a Port Moody chiropractor with extended knowledge of TMJ disorders. His soft tissue treatment has helped people with TMJ dysfunction syndrome and other problems associating with TMJ disorders including cervicogenic disequilibrium, dizziness and positional vertigo. To contact Dr. Danny Tong: []

Monday, July 12, 2010

Information about Bleeding Gums!!!!!

Gums are pinky and spongy structures, essential to hold and protect teeth. They adhere to the teeth very closely for sealing to prevent entry or spreading of the infection inside, to the root of the teeth or jaw bone. Due to ageing or disease, gums get weakened and recessed, paving way for falling of the teeth, so in all this process of receding, the teeth seem to be elongated, sensitive and feel shaky with bleeding. Bleeding from the gums is mainly due to injury, infection or inflammation of gums. Such infected or inflamed gums are medically called gingivitis. It can be seen as red line of blood in the gum line. If bleeding persists, then it should be taken seriously if it is an indication for illnesses like leukemia, bleeding disorders, etc. One should be aware of haemophiliacs who usually bleed to death so bleeding gums are serious condition.

Some people think that the harder you scrub, the more plaque you remove," says Diane Schoen, dental hygienist, clinical assistant professor and coordinator of the Preventive Dentistry Program at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark. But brushing your teeth isn't like scrubbing a floor. Plaque is sticky like jelly, not sticky like glue, she says. "It adheres to teeth softly, so you don't need to scrub hard--it just needs to be mechanically broken up." Schoen recommends a soft-bristled toothbrush, held at a 45 degree angle to the gum line.

Bleeding from the mouth could be caused by anything from gum disease to a coagulation problem. My first suggestion would be that your husband see a periodontist (a dentist who specializes in the treatment of gum diseases) to check on the condition of his gums. Bleeding from the gums is usually due to inflammation related to the accumulation of plaque at the gum line, a condition known as gingivitis. Plaque hardens into tartar and can lead to periodontitis, an advanced form of gum disease, which causes even worse bleeding. Periodontal disease constitutes a major stress on the immune system, using up resources that would be better suited for fighting more serious infections, scavenging waste products or defending the body against cancer.

Dry mouth syndrome is caused by either the normal aging process or, most commonly, by medications like antidepressants or antihistamines. Hopefully, a change in prescriptions will alleviate both the dry mouth and the burning sensations, but all too often both conditions are difficult to pindown to any one factor and can be persistent.

Ensuring that gums are well brushed along with the teeth at least twice a day and between meals where possible is one of the best preventative treatments. Other ways to stop bleeding gum problems and bleeding gums blisters is to avoid alcohol and also to avoid aspirin which will affect the ability of the blood to clot.

One of the diseases caused by plaque that can result in bleeding gums is gingivitis. Gingivitis attacks the gums as well as the periodontal ligaments and the tooth sockets. The gums will bleed, become swollen and painful. Left untreated, it can lead to the more serious form of gum disease: periodontitis. Periodontitis is a long term infection that many sufferers may have for some years before realizing it themselves and it is estimated that one-third of the population suffers from this disease. Periodontitis is also known as “gum disease” and if left to run its course, will result in the loss of teeth.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

When you need Root Canal Treatment??

Root Canal Treatment: It is the removal of infected pulp tissue from the root canal, and filling up the empty root canal with a bio-compatible material known as Gutta purcha, then filling up the prepared cavity with suitable restorative material.

When is Root canal treatment done?

* Root canal treatment is preferred when the infection has reached the vital tissue i.e the pulp and has infected the pulp tissue, it is also recommended when the tooth has lost its vitality (died)

* It is done when the patient wants to preserve the natural tooth structure without it being extracted.

* When there is a fracture to the tooth where the pulp tissue is damaged due to the trauma caused to it.

* If the pulp infection reaches the bone, and root canal treatment is not done there will be an abscess formation which may lead to extraction of the tooth and treating the affected bone.

What is the alternative for Root canal treatment?

* Extraction is the only alternative to root canal treatment.

What happens when the root canal is infected?

* Sensitivity in the tooth.

* A swelling with pus in the area around the tooth.

* A swelling that may spread to other area of the face.

* Bone loss around the tip of the root.

* Abscess formation around the root tip.

* If neglected for long a Sinus or a drain hole is formed starting from the root draining its contents to the outside.

What are the Signs and symptoms of an infected tooth?

* If a root canal is infected then there will be no pain in the beginning but as the infection progresses there will be pain and if left untreated then it may lead to an abscess formation in which case it has to be extracted, so RCT should be done before the abscess formation takes place.

* A tooth that hurts significantly when pressure is put on it, by biting on something or sometimes even on touch.

* Sensitivity to different modalities like heat, cold, pressure etc..

* Discoloration of the tooth with or without pain.

* Discoloration of the tooth after trauma to the tooth, which indicates that the tooth is becoming non vital.

Procedure of Root Canal Treatment:

 The procedure of root canal treatment begins with the diagnosis of the infected tooth. The diagnosis is done with the help of the above mentioned symptoms and the main and the final diagnosis is done after taking a radiograph of the suspected tooth. The infected region can be detected by slight discoloration in the region from the normal and the presence of infection in the apex of the root. After diagnosis is done the cavity is prepared on the tooth surface to accesses the root canals. The root canals can be seen from the occlussal surface after preparation of the cavity, so that the infected pulp tissues can be removed.
 After this Endodontic files are used to remove the pulp tissue from the root canals. The endodontic files are available in different sizes. These files are used based in the width of the canal as it is different in different teeth and in different individuals. These files are then inserted into the root canals from the occlusal surface to clean the infected root canals by removing the pulp tissue. These files are flexible to ease the procedure as the root canals are not always straight they are seen with many curvatures at the tip.
 Above given is the infected tooth which has to be operated on by the root canal treatment. Seen in it is the caries infiltration in the Enamel and Dentin which is extending into the pulp, and seen in the root apex is the formation of an abscess. After removal of the pulp tissue from the root canals, the empty root canals are then cleaned with disinfectant irrigating solutions to make sure that no infected tissue remains in the canal which is capable of causing the infection again.
 Then after successfully rinsing the canals, gutta-percha points are placed into the empty root canals to replace the pulp tissue which was removed. These gutta-percha points are available in different sizes so as to completely fill in the root canal which was emptied, the gutta percha points are adapted with the use of pressure into the canals with the help of a plugger or a dental instrument with a tip to put pressure on the gutta-percha points. The gutta-percha points are placed into the canal by applying cement onto them so that they are well adapted to the walls of the root canal.
 After the canal is filled with the gutta-percha points an X-ray is taken to see weather the points are in place and weather there is any gaps. The gutta-percha point must fit well enough so that you know, with the utmost predictability, what the final result will look like even before you complete the procedure. If the preceding instrumentation has been done well the point will be very easy to fit and the result will be predictably excellent. After confirming that the gutta-percha points are well placed then comes the turn of the restoration to be done to replace the tooth structure removed during the cavity preparation. Mainly a tooth coloured restoration is preffered by the patients for the aesthetics to be maintained. The success of the Root canal treatment is confirmed by taking a radiograph after the complete restoration is done.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Remove stains from your teeth!!!!!!!

A smile showing a wonderful set of good teeth makes your face light up like a Christmas tree star and the radiance you let out in such a smile can win you success in almost everything you do. Such things do not come to us easily if we are not spending time to clean and to take care of our teeth. Teeth need protection from enemies like stains and many other aspects that deteriorate their elegance greatly.

People with very good dental health are often subjected to tooth stains in the later part of their lives; all the people in this world are likely to be affected by tooth stains and discoloration. The stains on the teeth may be of two types, namely, extrinsic and intrinsic stains. There are more than fifty ways by which the teeth can get stained, according to researchers in this field.

They state that the intrinsic staining of the teeth are not due to the external factors; rather they are found due to the internal reasons like tooth decay, caries in the tooth interiors and necrosis of the gums. Black spots on the surface of the teeth are due to the presence of caries and the main damage in this is to the enamel part of the teeth and to the outer appearance of the same. Black coloured cavities are the next stage of teeth, affected by decay and they will be followed by the discolouration of the entire outer part of the teeth and emission of foul breath.

The tooth stains due to decay are the work of chromogenic bacteria, of which the main species is called the Actinomyces species. They produce large amounts of hydrogen sulphide which in turn combines with the saliva to form concentrated ferric sulphide, thereby decreasing the health of your teeth. They are the black stains on the teeth, which acts as an agent for demoralising your character. Chipping of the teeth and severe stains in the form of ferric sulphide will result in the death of the pulp region at the base of the teeth.

Drinking water with very high fluoride content will cause fluorosis of the teeth; the fluoride content in the water should be less than one part per million if we need to preserve the elegance of our teeth. Also medicines or drugs, in some cases, will result in decrease in the health of the gums, tooth stains or decay, followed by mottling of the teeth and discolouration of the same to brown colour in particular. Cavity filling should be done with care, so as to avoid staining the teeth in the procedure.

Speaking of the stains on the teeth of humans, we need to discuss about the next method of staining called as the extrinsic type of stains. They are done by external factors like the smoking of cigarettes (caffeine), consumption of excess wine, alcohol, medication and drugs. They can be treated normally with the facilities of the modern world.

Teeth filling with special plaster, silver or gold will help intrinsic stains as there is no other way of growing the decayed part after removal. Never use tobacco or tea in excessive amounts, thereby limiting the same from damaging the teeth even more

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Our Teeth Health and Diet!!!!!!!!!

Of course good dental health is largely due to oral hygiene habits, but diet also plays a big part. I will discuss here the role of food and our eating habits in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Past research was insufficient, in that it primarily stressed the chemistry of nutrients in causing cavities, such as the effects of the type of food eaten and the initial effects of food while still in the mouth. There are, however, humanistic, social, and environmental factors related to dental health that also need to be considered.

It is hopeful that the discussion here will give those individuals prone to cavities some sound nutritional advice. You might need to take a look at your diet and lifestyle as a whole and change some things. Food habits refers to the ways you've learned to pick and eat food. Some of these habits evolve in response to social pressures and cultural traditions. In general, they are formed early in life and are influenced by all the forces which mold an individual's personality and behavior.

If you want to make healthier dietary choices, you need to examine your current eating patterns and determine what needs to be changed. You will need to compare what you currently eat with what is recommended in the food charts. Typically, you need to eat foods from all of the main groups, which include grains, dairy, proteins, fruits, and vegetables. For the increased nutritional needs of a teenager, 3 to 4 servings of milk, 5 to 6 servings of grains, 5 to 6 servings of fruits and veggies, and 2 servings of meat are recommended.

When it comes to sweets, sucrose sugars have proven to have the most significant influence on the decalcification process, so you should try your best to stay away from sugary products like ice cream or candy. Teenagers might balk at this dietary change, but their sense of style and personal appearance can be appealed to by pointing out that this new diet will improve their complexion, build, muscle mass, and possibly even their mental abilities.

Stay away from food and beverages with added sucrose. Age is also important to consider the dental health of the person who is attaining some age by considering periodical health. This is important because over half the people suffer from gum diseases after they reach the age of forty.

When these oral problems surface, they can actually be indicators of other ailments such as diabetes. Gum problems can also be an indicator of bad health in general. Regular dental checkups and treatment can keep the very serious and as yet incurable gum disease of pyorrhea in check. For this reason, it is advised you see your dentist at least two times a year. Nutritional deficiencies and infection are many times behind pyorrhea. Bone decalcification can unfortunately cause you to lose your teeth.

The nutrient-starved gum tissue will steal minerals from the jawbone and result in the bones becoming smaller and receding and preventing the snug fit of the gums at the base of each tooth. Left unchecked, the bone structure can become so damaged that the teeth will loosen up and require removal, even thought the teeth themselves might be free from decay.

By eating a deliberately set diet, you could boost the resistance of your teeth's supportive tissues quite efficiently. Food has an indirect or systemic effect on teeth. You should eat a diet filled with plenty of red and white meats, eggs, cheese, milk, fruits containing vitamin C (such as grapefruit, broccoli, oranges, etc.), dried beans and peas and vitamin D, which the body needs to digest calcium properly.

Decay is apparently caused by sugar being broken down by bacteria produced enzymes into lactic and other acids. There will not be any decay in your teeth if these acids are counteracted by calcium-filled saliva. But, your body can contain adequate amounts of calcium, but if you do not take proper doses of vitamin D, your body will not be able to make use of that calcium.

Periodontal Diseases,,

Gingivitis, generally called gum disease or periodontal disease, describes the events that begin with bacterial growth in your mouth and may end - if not properly treated - with tooth loss due to destruction of the tissue that surrounds your teeth. Periodontal disease affects the periodontal tissue and alveolar bone. There are numerous types of periodontal diseases, but the most common one is plaque induced inflammation. Gum disease is very common in most people and usually a family dentist can treat it. However, in certain cases the help of a specialist might be required. Periodontal conditions are treated by specialists known as Periodontist.

Plaque is the primary cause of a gum disease however, other factors contribute to periodontal disease as well. The most common reason is improper oral hygiene. If periodontal disease is detected early on, the progress can be prevented and completely cured, just by following a proper oral hygiene regimen. Proper plaque control consists of professional cleanings at least twice a year and daily brushing and flossing. Brushing eliminates plaque from the surfaces of the teeth that can be reached; flossing removes food particles and plaque from in between the teeth and under the gum line. Antibacterial mouth rinses can reduce bacteria in the mouth that cause plaque and gum disease, according to the American Dental Association.

If periodontal disease is not detected early on, dental procedures may be necessary to treat it. The goals of gum disease treatment are to promote reattachment of healthy gums to teeth; reduce swelling, the depth of pockets, and the risk of infection; and to stop disease progression. Treatment options depend on the stage of disease, how you may have responded to earlier treatments, and your overall health. Options range from nonsurgical therapies that control bacterial growth to surgery to restore supportive tissues.

Most common surgical procedure to treat periodontal conditions involves removal of plaque and calculus from the teeth by scaling and root-planning. This is different from regular cleaning procedures. It is more invasive when compared to ordinary cleaning procedures and also requires anesthesia. In extreme cases, the infection will penetrate deep into the jawbone. In such cases, full-fledged surgical procedures may be required to retract the gum line, access the site of infection, and remove infected tissues. If proper care is not taken and the infection is allowed to grow, it can have serious consequences. In extreme cases, periodontal disease can adversely affect the bone tissue and in such cases, bone grafts may be required. Researchers have uncovered potential links between gum disease and other serious health conditions. In people with healthy immune systems, the bacteria in the mouth that makes its way into the bloodstream is usually harmless. But under certain circumstances microorganisms are associated with health problems such as heart disease and diabetes.

It is very essential to control periodontal disease in its initial stages and the best way to do so is to visit your dentist regularly (every 4-6 six month) and follow proper oral hygiene.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Importance of Fluoride

Fluoride is extracted from fluorine. Fluorine is present in food, water, soil, and minerals. It can be prepared in the laboratory as well and this is used in the manufacture of drinking water and toothpastes.

According to ADA, a study was conducted by the University of Indian School of Dentistry. It states that there should be an adequate amount of fluoride needed in drinking water. This will reduce about 40% of carious tooth in adults.

It is essential to reduce the quantity of carious tooth. There are nearly 600 to 650 bacteria. They are common inhabitants of our mouth and the count is increased more in a carious tooth. Every time we swallow, we ingest these bacteria as well. These bacteria act on the sugars present in the mouth and produce acid which are responsible for destroying the tooth structure and causing caries.

Fluoride in drinking water supplies minerals to the teeth. Fluoride will be taken up by the body. The saliva gets drenched with fluoride and this act as a coating on all teeth surfaces. This provides strength to the enamel. The fluoride will act as a covering to the roots in case of teeth with recession. Recession is commonly seen in adults.

Fluoride prevent occurrence of caries. They not only help in formation of carious tooth, but also prevent occurrence of malodour of mouth commonly called as oral malodour or halitosis. This is done by adding fluoride to the water. The most important necessity of dentist is having a good oral health is achieved by adequate amount of fluoride in drinking water.

Excessive amounts of fluoride should not be used as it can cause serious ill effects on the health. In children, dental fluorosis can occur due to excessive exposure. It can even produce ill effects in adult as well. Fluoride can serve as a beneficial agent in minimal quantity and can serve as a dangerous mineral in excessive amounts. Thus, fluoride can act in both ways on the health of a person.

People think that fluoride should not be used in water as it is toxic. They do not know that it is an essential mineral required by our body. In correct dosage, fluoride is beneficial to the body. People can consult a dentist in order to know the right dosage. He will tell you the correct quantity of fluoride required in toothpastes, drinking water and other mouth rinses. This will help in delivering the body the normal quantity of fluoride.

Is it Best to Use an Electric Toothbrush Or a Manual Toothbrush?

It is clear to see that a lot of people today prefer to use an electric toothbrush over a manual toothbrush, but is this really going to help people with their dental hygiene? Are there any scientific reasons why using an an electric brush is going to yield more positive results that using your regular brush?

Well, the truth is that using an electric toothbrush is not really any better than brushing your teeth really. The problem, however, arises when people do not brush their teeth properly with a manual brush, and this is where using an electric version tends to be the better option.

There are certainly a number of benefits of using an electric toothbrush rather than your manual version. One of the main benefits is the fact that your electric brush is going to have a number of different cleaning settings that you are able to put it on. Different cleaning motions such as oscillating, rotary, and pulsating allow the user to gain a great all-around clean.

In addition to this the amount of effort that you need to go to when you clean your teeth is going to be reduced significantly. Whilst it is not particularly difficult brush your teeth manually, some people will find the relevant movements more difficult than others. Therefore these people will find it a lot easier using an electric toothbrush where you simply need to hold the toothbrush in position using the correct amount of pressure. You are even able to get certain electric brushes that will be able to tell you went too much pressure is being applied, and these are therefore fantastic at cleaning your teeth more efficiently.

If you do use a manual toothbrush and you are using it in the correct way, then there is no reason why an electric version should be any more efficient. As long as you are applying the right amount of pressure and brushing your teeth in the correct motion, you should be able to guarantee that your teeth are being cleaned as extensively as they should be.

Whichever option you choose to take, it is important that you commit to the right schedule. We are all supposed to brush our teeth twice a day at the very least - once in the morning, at once in the evening before settling into bed.

Whatever sort of toothbrush you use, if you are keeping your schedule and brushing your teeth for a couple of minutes on each occasion, you should be able to guarantee that your dental hygiene is perfectly fine.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Methods!!!

An impacted tooth is a tooth that fails to fully emerge through the gums. The precise reasons why an individual's wisdom teeth need to be extracted should be explained to them by their dentist, after an examination which almost certainly will need to include x-rays. Impacted wisdom teeth are very common. They are often painless and cause no apparent trouble. Most people have four wisdom teeth, one in each corner of the mouth- two on top, two on bottom. Wisdom teeth are also known as third molars are the last teeth to erupt.

Wisdom teeth are the last of your teeth to come in, or erupt through the gums. Wisdom teeth are an example of a vestigial structure. They are generally thought to be called wisdom teeth because they appear so late- much later than the other teeth, at an age where people are supposedly wiser than as a child, when the other teeth erupt. An impacted tooth remains embedded in soft gingiva (gum) tissue or bone beyond its normal eruption time. The cause may be overcrowding, often because the jaw is too small to fit the third set of molars. Wisdom teeth are the last permanent teeth to develop. They appear in the mouth between the ages of 18-24 years and may develop in the jaw but never erupt or appear in the mouth.

Mesioangular impaction is the most common form, and means the tooth is angled forward, towards the front of the mouth. Wisdom teeth do not always cause problems but typical problems associated with partially erupted wisdom teeth are frequent swelling and tenderness, constant pain, limited mouth opening and bad breath or an unpleasant taste in the mouth. A condition that often occurs when wisdom teeth are impacted is pericoronitis. The term pericoronitis specifically refers to an infection located in the tissues that surround a tooth that has not fully emerged through the gums and into its proper position.

When a wisdom tooth is partially erupted, food and bacteria collect under the gum causing a local infection. This may result in bad breath, pain, swelling and trismus (inability to open the mouth fully). Impacted wisdom teeth fall into one of several categories. Vertical impaction occurs when the formed tooth does not erupt fully through the gumline. It is generally suggested that teeth that remain completely buried or un-erupted in a normal position are unlikely to cause any harm to the patient.

Causes of Impacted wisdom teeth

The common causes and risk factor's of Impacted wisdom teeth include the following:

Wisdom teeth develop like your other teeth. But they take the longest to develop and are the last teeth to emerge.

The cause may be overcrowding, often because the jaw is too small to fit the third set of molars. Teeth may also become twisted, tilted, or displaced as they try to emerge, resulting in impacted teeth.

Having a small jawbone may make you more prone to having impacted wisdom teeth.

Cysts and other benign (harmless) jaw tumors. These can lead to bone destruction.

Symptoms of Impacted wisdom teeth

Some sign and symptoms related to Impacted wisdom teeth are as follows:

Bad breath.

Pain or tenderness of the gums (gingiva) or jaw bone.

Swelling around your jaw.

Unpleasant taste when biting down on or near the area.

Swollen lymph nodes of the neck (occasionally).

Infection in the mouth.

Pain when swallowing.

Tumor development.

Visible gap where a tooth did not emerge.

Difficulty opening the mouth (occasionally).

Treatment of Impacted wisdom teeth

Here is list of the methods for treating Impacted wisdom teeth:

Over-the-counter pain relievers may help. Warm salt water (one-half teaspoon of salt in one cup of water) or over-the-counter mouthwashes may be soothing to the gums.

People who can't have their teeth removed because of certain health problems may also need to choose conservative treatment.

Jawbone reconstruction surgery.

Extraction of mal-positioned wisdom tooth prior to orthodontic treatment.

If the tooth is deeply impacted or difficulty with extraction is expected, the dentist may refer the person to an oral surgeon for tooth removal.

Antibiotics may be required prior to tooth extraction if the area around the tooth is infected.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Oral Hygiene & Natural Agents!!!!!!

By consulting with a dental professional, you can be advised on a proper oral hygiene plan. Proper maintenance, detection and treatment of your teeth and gums can significantly reduce your chances of contracting serious diseases outside of your oral cavity. Many dentists are incorporating the use of natural dental agents to complement oral hygiene plans so that they are more effective.

Essential Nutrients Overview
Harvard studies have revealed the importance of using natural dental agents in the oral cavity. Dentists can utilize them to help prevent major diseases and health complications both in the mouth and within the body. They are applied by a dental professional directly on the surface areas or as a supplement.

Xylitol. Tooth decay, as well as tooth loss can be prevented with this natural sweetener.
Aloe Vera. Gum inflammations and infections can be soothed, as well as healed with this anti-inflammatory ingredient.
Green Tea. The antibacterial attributes of green tea can battle bacteria and deadly microorganisms that live within the oral cavity. This also prevents the formation of plaque and tarter on the teeth which lead to tooth decay and tooth loss.
Pomegranate. Periodontitis also eliminates bacteria and fungi that can lead health complications. Plaque buildup is reduced as well.
Coenzyme 10. Periodontal disease can be lessened by this enzyme because it helps to avert coronary heart disease and cancer. The oxidative process is also fought with CoQ10 with a 50mg daily dosage.
Vitamins. Vitamin B, C and D can aid in reducing soreness and bleeding. They help to maintain connective tissues and aids in the healing process.
Hydrogen Peroxide. This natural antiseptic reduces infections and inflammations.

The Benefits
Using all-natural items allow you to restrict the amount of chemicals and bad toxins that your body intakes. This can ward off the onset of deadly diseases that originate from the use of harmful ingredients.

There are many health diseases and conditions that can be prevented by proper oral hygiene which include coronary heart disease, cancer, obesity, Type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, gingivitis and periodontal disease. Dangerous bacteria can get into the bloodstream when tooth loss occurs which is why it is so important to consult with a dental professional on early detection screening and treatment.

Maintaining your oral health lets you reduce the chances of contracting major health complications throughout the rest of your body. If you are ready to create an oral hygiene plan that will work for you and your specific concerns, then you should contact a dentist now!

Sensitive Teeth and How to Take Care of Them?

Many people have sensitive teeth. In deed, millions of people suffer discomfort or even pain from eating their favourite foods and drinking their favourite drinks. However, in the majority of cases, there is a lot that can be done to 'desensitivize' sensitive teeth.

Sensitive teeth most often trigger pain when people eat or drink something very cold like ice cream, iced lemonade or a cold water. However, some people face the problem when they eat hot foods too. Some even get trouble when they breathe cold air. These examples of pain from sensitive teeth usually come from a partially exposed tooth nerve.

If this is due to cavities, then the pain is to a certain extent, self-inflicted, because everybody should visit a dentist twice a year for a check up and pre-emptive or corrective work.

Sometimes, however the problem lies with the fact that the gums are retreating which occurs naturally as we get older. The receding gums reveal the lower parts of the teeth and thus the roots as well.

In this instance, the pain essentially occurs because the bare root has tubules which run to your nerves. Any pressure on these will be fed to the nerves resulting in pain.

Remedial action is difficult, preventative action is not. Unfortunately, many people were instructed how to brush their teeth rather poorly. For decades, children were taught to scrub at their teeth to get them clean, but a side effect of that rough brush work, is to gradually push the gums back off your teeth. It may take decades, but it is likely to happen and this will result in sensitive teeth.

Current guidance is to brush lightly and never towards your gums, alway away from them. Modern tooth pastes are so much better than they were decades ago, so they do not need so much assistance to get your teeth clean.

If, however, you are in the unfortunate position of already having sensitive teeth, there could still be something you can do about it. Potassium nitrite will help 'desensitivize' your teeth, so you should look for a tooth paste that contains this chemical. It can be found in several preparations for sensitive teeth including Sensodyne tooth paste, which is recommended by dentists for this task all over the world.

Another method you can try is using mouth wash containing fluoride. There are dozens of them in any pharmacy, so you will have to try a few untill you find one that works for you. A couple of tips are to first try the brands of mouth wash that contain high levels of fluoride and brands that do not contain alcohol. Some seem to burn your mouth, but others do not.

If these recommendations have no effect, then you are very unlucky and there is nothing for it but to go to the dentist. A dentist deals with sensitive teeth every working day and there are new products coming onto the market all the time, so go along to your dental surgery and let them deal with your sensitive teeth.

Best Top 11 Oral Health Tips!!!!!!

Top 11 oral health tips to keeps your teeth and gums healthy for life.

These oral health tips will assist you in both preventing and promoting oral health for a lifetime.

1. Brush your teeth after every meal, aiming for three times per day minimum. Make sure how you are brushing is the right way as brushing the wrong way can cause damage to the gums. Ask your dentist or dental hygienist to observe you brushing so they can make modifications if needed.

2. Use a fluoride toothpaste to help prevent cavities and oral disease. Fluoride is antibacterial and thus can help eliminate bacteria that cause oral disease.

3. Use a toothbrush with soft nylon bristles. It is a misconception that hard bristles clean better than soft, it is about good brushing technique not the type of bristles which matter.

4. Floss once per day. Ensure your technique is proper to reach well below the gumline where the bacteria accumulate.

5. Never use your teeth to open things, for example bottles or peels of fruit.

6. Give up smoking. Not only does smoking have a detrimental effect on systemic health it is very harmful to the oral tissue. Smoking can cause precancerous and cancerous lesions to form on oral tissue.

7. Drink plain tea without milk or sugar, it can help prevent cavities.

8. If you cannot brush after a snack or meal, chew a piece of sugarless gum. It will help stimulate your saliva flow and loosen up bits of food on the biting surface of your teeth.

9. Replace your toothbrush approximately every 3 months or sooner if the bristles are bent.

10. Wear a sportsguard if you play sports.

11. See your dentist and dental hygienist regularly.

i hope that these tips will help you......

how to brush proper/ Proper Brushing Techniques!!!!!

Proper Brushing Techniques

Did you know that there are different techniques for brushing your teeth? And yes, they even have their own names. There is the Bass method, Charter's method, Modified Stillman method, etc. The most popular and most recommended is the Bass method. Step-by-step directions are offered below:

o Start by placing the toothbrush bristles at a 45 degree angle on the front surface of the back teeth. Move the toothbrush in small circular motions. Make sure that you brush the tooth and especially the area where the tooth meets the gums.

o With this circular motion, slowly move forward towards the front teeth. Don't rush!! Be sure to take your time and clean off all food debris and plaque. If you are having the problems with the brush fitting in your mouth, angle it vertically and continue to brush at a 45 degree angle the front surface and gum line.

o Continue to move around the arch and cover the back teeth on the opposite side.

o Repeat these steps with the back of the teeth as well (the side of the teeth that is closest to the tongue)

o Next, place the toothbrush bristles on the chewing surfaces of the teeth (known in the dental world as the occlusal surface).

o Move the toothbrush back in forth in a "scrubbing motion". Be sure to brush the chewing surfaces of all teeth, even the front teeth.

o Rinse your toothbrush, place on tongue, and gently run the bristles over your tongue. The tongue can also harbor bacteria and cavity causing germs and must be cleaned as well.

Remember, a beautiful smile leaves a lasting impression. Happy Brushing!

What Are Dental Implants and the Benefits?

Are you wondering what are dental implants? Are you wondering if this treatment is of any use to you? In this article, you will soon discover the information you need, to be able to get the best. So, read this article, and discover the information you need to know.

There are all different places springing up that offer the dental implant treatment. So, what is it exactly?

Is it a pigs tooth they are going to implant into your mouth! Make you look like jaws with metallic equipment? After all, they use titanium!

The solution of dental implants is a good one, and the good news is that it is a synthetic tooth, and not a pigs tooth or anything like that.

The first thing to remember, is that the dental tooth implants are a synthetic tooth that connects to your jaw bone, with the aid of a titanium root. This makes the treatment amazing, because the painless process actually results in getting what acts and feels like a real tooth!

So, invest the time into this, because it can make all the difference.

For many people, the process of fixing a missing tooth, is one that involves either keeping it as it is or going through and getting dentures.

However, dentures have the problem that they can bang on other teeth, causing them to age quicker. This is why some people who get dentures, end up needing dentures for all the teeth in the mouth!

Don't let this happen to you. When you consider the dangers of missing teeth, you will see why dental implants can be the best form of treatment, though they cost considerably more.

The missing tooth often causes the jaw bone to contract, and as such, the face changes shape potentially. Dentures can't solve this, so go through and have a look at the options.

Dental tooth implants are currently the best option, so invest the time, I think you will like the benefits of a tooth that acts and feels like a real tooth. And what makes this even more interesting, is that your friends and family won't be able to tell the difference with the tooth implant. This is why dental implants are so prized as a treatment.

Miswak - Nature's Alternative to Toothbrush Sanitization...

If you are one of those who seem to be bothered by the idea of having bacteria lodged on your toothbrush, you can try nature's very own tooth brush: Miswak aka Chewing Stick. Miswak (Chewing Sticks) are twigs obtained from mainly the Arak Tree (Salvadora Persica) although a few other trees can also be used. They have been used since times immemorial for maintaining dental health where a toothbrush was much alien to them as the Miswak is to us today. The practice continues today and is widespread among the Muslims which can be traced to their religious beliefs. The Miswak is a common sight in the Middle East and constitutes a large part of oral health maintenance if not all for many people. The Miswak is not coIf you are one of those who seem to be bothered by the idea of having bacteria lodged on your toothbrush, you can try nature's very own tooth brush: Miswak aka Chewing Stick.

Miswak (Chewing Sticks) are twigs obtained from mainly the Arak Tree (Salvadora Persica) although a few other trees can also be used. They have been used since times immemorial for maintaining dental health where a toothbrush was much alien to them as the Miswak is to us today. The practice continues today and is widespread among the Muslims which can be traced to their religious beliefs. The Miswak is a common sight in the Middle East and constitutes a large part of oral health maintenance if not all for many people. The Miswak is not confined only to the Muslims and has been embraced by many cultures as an effective tool for dental health maintenance.

Now, what does this has to do with toothbrush sanitization? A lot infact! This is because Miswak has natural anti-microbial properties which mean there are no bacterial colonies thriving on the twig. Although, common perception of people might lead them to think otherwise, there is no harm done when using this natural wonder twig for dental health maintenance.

Infact, if reports are to be believed, it is more effective than your toothbrush! I have outlined these studies conducted on Miswak on my website. The studies especially stress Miswak's ability to fight against plaque and gum disease. One study carried out by Swedish researchers showed the Miswak's ability to kill bacteria without even being in contact with them. This fuelled the proposal by the researchers that Miswak was able to give off antibiotics in gas form which enabled it to kill the bacteria with out any physical contact.

We use advanced methods for toothbrush sanitization but never look towards nature for help. The market is flooded with advanced gizmos for toothbrush sanitization. Every other week, there is a new sanitization project launched which claims to kill up to 99.999% bacteria. Keeping in mind that there is no concrete evidence to suggest the need for toothbrush sanitization, splurging on a toothbrush sanitizer might not be a good idea after all especially when we have nature offering us a better solution.

Looking at a Miswak it is a simple brown twig with one of its ends cut off to expose the bristles. These bristles are more effective than your toothbrush's bristles when it comes to cleaning between teeth. This is because these bristles are parallel to the handle rather than perpendicular as in a conventional toothbrush. A Miswak is softened overnight in water the first time before use. Biting or chewing on the bristles releases a strong anti-microbial juice which not only eliminates bacteria in your mouth but also removes bad odor and creates a fragrance in the mouth.

Although Miswak is not readily available in the western world, they can easily be ordered via online services which deliver it to your doorstep. The price may seem diminutive for a thing which provides such immense benefits.nfined only to the Muslims and has been embraced by many cultures as an effective tool for dental health maintenance.

Now, what does this has to do with toothbrush sanitization? A lot infact! This is because Miswak has natural anti-microbial properties which mean there are no bacterial colonies thriving on the twig. Although, common perception of people might lead them to think otherwise, there is no harm done when using this natural wonder twig for dental health maintenance.

Infact, if reports are to be believed, it is more effective than your toothbrush! I have outlined these studies conducted on Miswak on my website. The studies especially stress Miswak's ability to fight against plaque and gum disease. One study carried out by Swedish researchers showed the Miswak's ability to kill bacteria without even being in contact with them. This fuelled the proposal by the researchers that Miswak was able to give off antibiotics in gas form which enabled it to kill the bacteria with out any physical contact.

Recognize Gum Disease Symptoms Before It's Too Late!!!

It's important to recognize gum disease symptoms early so you can get immediate dental treatment. A lot of people take oral health for granted, not knowing that serious consequences can result from being too lax. If you don't act on the signs that you detect, you could lose your teeth permanently.

The reason why some people don't take action right away is because the signs of oral problems aren't always obvious. In a lot of cases, problems can progress to advanced and irreversible stages before clear indicators show up. The best way to make sure you get to keep your teeth is to recognize what you may not normally consider as periodontal disease symptoms.

One sign that many individuals may not be familiar with is bad breath. It's easy to pin the blame on temporary causes of bad breath. You might for example start to smell a horrible odor after eating onions, junk food or some kinds of spicy food. Usually though, you can take care of this concern quickly and easily by taking a breath mint, brushing or gargling. You should suspect that something is wrong if, after following your usual oral cleaning routine, the odor persists. Bad breath that just won't go away is a signal that there may be a deeper problem caused by bacteria growing in various areas of your mouth.

Some individuals also miss gum disease symptoms because of the absence of pain. It is important to understand though that pain does not have to be part of the equation. An oral condition does not have to be painful at first. This is even when you experience some bleeding. This may be accompanied by slightly swollen or red gums. In some cases however, swelling can be so minimal that it is nearly unnoticeable. More apparent indicators to watch out for that are also painless are receding gums and changes to jaw alignment.

Sensitivity to oral health is extremely vital because it is only at the early forms of periodontal disease symptoms that you can hope to avert severe damage. If a problem is spotted early, your dentist may only recommend mild medication plus a more disciplined approach to brushing and flossing. Of course, regular dental check-ups and dentist assisted cleanings can also be part of an early solution.

It goes without saying that in an advanced, diseased state, solutions may be more extreme and invasive. Aside from initial treatment steps that include antibiotic medication and root planing, a patient may have to undergo surgical procedures that include tissue grafting and pocket reduction. Even with an excellent dentist however, it isn't always possible to get your old set of teeth back. You'd be lucky if you can get an attractive set of fake teeth in place.

Many gum disease symptoms don't bother to show up visibly and aggressively. It is your responsibility however to always be on the lookout. Don't let plain bad breath or occasional bleeding fool you. If you experience these seemingly harmless indicators, take a trip to your dentist's clinic as soon as you can. The earlier you address a condition, the better it will be for you.

Bruxism / teeth grinding !!!!!!!!!

5 Key Questions About Teeth Grinding

What is it?

Bruxism is the clinical/scientific name for teeth grinding and it can simply be defined as the action in which a person grinds (rubs) or clenches his/her teeth continuously at any time of the day but mostly at night during sleeping periods when the person is unconscious/unaware of what his/her is doing. As a matter of fact Bruxism creates a scenario of almost the same gravity as snoring. Teeth grinding has now been regarded as a dental problem because it damages your teeth and worse still causes damage to your facial/jaw bones and muscles and also your face.


There appears to be a lot of supposed causes of Bruxism however dentists seem to single out the following as key causal factors in the development of teeth grinding:

• Stress
• Frustration
• Unexpressed anger
• Aggressive personality
• Wrong teeth alignment

Who does it affect?

Teeth grinding in reality can affect anybody young and old, male or female but is most common in 25-44 year olds. Its occurrence in children usually gives parents sleepless nights. Even though it is really not considered a big problem with children as it is for adults, since they usually outgrow the problem which most often than not is a habit for them, taking the child to see a dentist is still a very good idea.


You can tell if you are suffering from teeth grinding if:

• your teeth are painful in the morning
• you jaw hurts in the morning
• you feel pain around the upper jaw below the temples while eating
• your teeth a flat and worn away
• you have unexplained chips on your teeth
• your teeth are sensitive to cold and citrus
• you have constant headaches
• you constantly wake up during the night.

Any of these symptoms could be a signal of the effects of Bruxism and checking with a dentist is the way to go.


Bruxism can have the following undesirable (not restricted to these by any means) effects:

• Damage to your dentures and this is mostly displayed by a faster than normal wearing down of your teeth.
• Receding of the gum thereby causing non-alignment of the teeth and leading to more teeth grinding.
• Hurting jaw especially in mornings
• Severe headaches
• Lose of ability to smile i.e. your facial muscles have become so hardened it is difficult to relax them.
• And ultimately it can destroy or severely damage social relations especially with your partner because you disturb their sleep mostly but also with others who finding it difficult to understand why you don't have a smile.

So, if it so happens that you suffer from Bruxism, cheer-up, you don't need to be shy or afraid see a dentist immediately as it is treatable by both natural and scientific means.

Bad Breath Treatment Guide!!!!!!

If you are looking for a bad breath treatment, use a healthy dose of skepticism and do not believe everything the advertisements tell you. Unfortunately, some of the most popular methods to get rid of smelly breath are also the worst.

Let's look at the number one choice of most consumers in the United States: using a mouth wash to eliminate bad breath.

A mouth wash basically works because it kills bacteria effectively. And it's true that bacteria are the cause of mouth odor - they feast on food residues in your mouth, and their excretions contain chemical compounds that cause the bad odor.

However, the vast majority of bacteria in your mouth are actually beneficial, helpful and necessary. A mouth wash is very indiscriminate however - it kills both the good and the bad bacteria and throws your healthy mouth flora off balance.

What's more, a recent scientific study showed that for smokers, using a mouth wash can increase their risk of oral cancer nine-fold.

Also, it works only short time - usually a mouth wash is effective for a time period of between 4-24 hours. So if you have chronic bad breath, you basically constantly need to use a mouth wash to deal with it.

There are better ways to eradicate bad breath, or halitosis as it's known among medical professionals. You do not need to spend a lot of money nor time to do so.

Scientists have identified which bacteria cause the bad smell, and there are home remedies that can help you to eliminate all these bacteria easily, naturally and effective from your mouth flora.

Always make an informed decision when looking for a []Bad Breath Treatment - it will safe you a lot of time and frustration in the long run.

How to Maintain Good Dental Health?

Part of our overall well being is good oral health. To achieve this it is important that we maintain good oral hygiene. Brushing our teeth twice a day is not enough to say that we have good dental health. In this article, let us explore things that we can do to maintain good oral health.

The simplest thing is to brush our teeth properly and regularly. Brushing is very important as it cleans our teeth and helps remove plaque. If the plaque is not removed it will accumulate around our teeth and cause problems later. Most dentists recommend that adults use a medium sized toothbrush with soft bristles to prevent enamel erosion. It is also recommended to use a fluoride based toothpaste as it strengthens the teeth and protects them from plaque build up.

You only need a pea sized amount of toothpaste on the brush and the toothbrush should be changed once every two or three months. Even better use an electric tooth brush because it will clean your teeth more thoroughly and prevent over brushing which can cause receding gums. This can happen when you brush too hard from side to side with a normal toothbrush.

The best way to brush your teeth is as follows:

1. Place the head of your toothbrush against the teeth and tilt the bristles at a 45 degree angle against the gum line. Move the brush in small circular movements, several times on all the surfaces of every tooth.

2. Brush the outer surfaces of each tooth, upper and lower, keeping the bristles angled against the gum line.

3. Use the same method on the inside surfaces of all your teeth.

4. Brush the biting surfaces of the teeth

5. To clean the inside surfaces of the front teeth, tilt the brush vertically and make several small circular strokes with the front part of the brush.
6. Brushing your tongue will help freshen your breath and will clean your mouth by removing bacteria.

Flossing also plays an integral part in our dental health care. Ideally we should floss our teeth after every meal but at least once a day. Flossing removes food particles and plaque between the teeth that a toothbrush cannot reach. To floss properly use about 12 to 18 inches of the dental floss and wind it up on the fore finger. As we start to floss, it should be held tight between the forefinger and thumb. Floss gently to avoid cutting the gums. Start from the top, then work your way from left to right and continue to the bottom.

Then follow this pattern between all your teeth. Sometimes looking in the mirror can help you see that you are doing it properly. Finally using a fluoride mouthwash helps kill bacteria in your mouth and can help prevent tooth decay. As well as leaving your mouth feeling fresh and clean, a good mouth wash protects against bad breath which can be a symptom of bad teeth or poor oral health. But remember using a mouthwash is no substitute for cleaning your teeth properly.

Regular visits to the dentist or dental hygienist is the best way to prevent oral health problems. Maintaining good dental health is not that difficult to do. We just have to invest a little time and self discipline to keep our teeth healthy and remember that prevention is better than cure.

Beautiful Teeth and Your Life:

Taking our teeth for granted is so easy that almost all of us do it. We often forget about them when they are causing no trouble, and leave them alone to virtually look after themselves.

The fact however is that teeth, if neglected and not cared for properly start to decay. If we ignore them we will eventually lose them.

Such an unpalatable situation can be easily avoided simply by giving your teeth a bit of care and attention each day, and by regularly visiting your dentist. With appropriate care, your teeth should look attractive and stay healthy for a lifetime.

The first steps in this regard should be taken in early childhood, because keeping a child's milk teeth healthy is essential if the permanent teeth are to develop correctly. These permanent teeth also need care to keep them free of plaque and decay-causing bacteria. Regular visits to the dentist are important - not only to repair damage, but also to protect healthy teeth and to obtain professional advice about home care between check-ups.

Tooth care should begin as soon as a child's teeth start to emerge. Plaque which forms on the surface must be removed by careful brushing. This will also ensure that the child gets used to the habit of brushing from an early age. Since a child depends on his milk teeth for a full six years, and also because these teeth act as guides for the growth of permanent teeth, their daily care is vital.

At birth, a baby's first teeth are already formed within the jawbone. Between three and six months of age, these teeth (called "Milk Teeth") start to appear; by the age of three years, a child should have a full set of 20 milk teeth.

The first permanent teeth begin to push their way through at about the time the child is settling down in primary school and by the early teens, a set of 28 permanent teeth should be in place. The four Wisdom Teeth (those at the back of the jaws) are the last to appear, usually around the age of 18 or 20.

Growth rates vary among children, so early or late appearance of teeth should not be a cause for alarm. With proper care, your permanent teeth should last lifetime. Sometimes permanent teeth grow unevenly or crowded together if there is no sufficient space for them - which can happen if the milk teeth are lost prematurely through decay.

To bring teeth into their proper position, special orthodontic treatment is needed. Braces (sometimes called "Palates") may be used to guide the teeth so they grow back into their correct position, and on occasion a tooth or two may have to be removed to make room for others.

Teeth Whitening Warning!

Hydrogen Peroxide Teeth Whitening Warning!

There seems to be a big craze for people getting their teeth whitened. This is because in the last decade it has become very affordable for most people. The problem arises when people try to do it themselves and are not aware of the dangers. Hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening can be very effective, however there are some risks that you need to be aware of first if you are going to do it yourself. You will discover the best way to do it shortly which can give you great benefits like,

* Having a Beautiful White Smile
* Discover the Correct Way To Use Hydrogen Peroxide Teeth Whitening
* Get More Confidence in Your Appearance

Home Bleaching Warning

Hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide are a bleaching agent. Our teeth naturally get darker as we get older and due to the food and drink we consume like red wine and coffee. To lighten the teeth again people turn to this bleaching agent but they forget that it can cause chemical burns if not used properly. The main areas you need to watch out for are the gums and hands. You must be very careful when trying to use hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening yourself, however there is a much safer method.

Use a Professional Kit

Many people make the mistake of trying to make their own solution by mixing hydrogen peroxide and baking soda when it would be much simpler and cost effective to buy a pre made kit. This is still much cheaper than having it done at the dentist and also a lot safer as the solution is made for you and you get simple to follow instructions to reduce the chance of burning yourself.

Hydrogen peroxide does whiten your teeth but you must take care and understand that you are working with bleach. There are homemade teeth whitening solutions with baking soda and salt that can be effective but there are also home made kits that have done the work for you.


Toothache Pain Relief - I Never Had That Chronic Toothache Again!

Seeking for toothache pain relief? If you have a toothache then chances are high that there is an underlying issue with your jaw, gums or teeth. The most common symptoms are tooth decay or a small hole in your tooth which is now sensitive. A possibility is that you are infected with inflamed teeth or gums. Not only what I just mentioned above, but there can be much more reasons for your toothache. The probable reasons for this can be anything from being affected from sinus or it can be even a small bit of food that is stuck in between your teeth.

This toothache can be chronic or mild. It may even come and go if your teeth or gums have issues with them. You can get many toothache pain relief methods that would help you get rid of this chronic pain. Most of the methods can be found in your home, in your kitchen that you consume almost daily.

You just need to know how to use the methods in precise manner and see for yourself. I have discussed some natural remedies for toothache pain relief that would be of real help to you.

Salt water

For a mild toothache, you can use salt water to rinse your mouth with. Make sure that you use luke warm water for it. Mostly this method is used when you suffer a pain after meal.


If you feel that there is some foods that is stuck in between your teeth then gently try flossing it.


Try to take paracetamol, it will relieve you from toothache too but you can always follow the natural methods that will do the same for you.

Clove oil

From thousands of years, Clove oil has been put to use in order to get relief from chronic toothache. This oil contains eugenol, which has antibacterial properties and acts as a natural pain killer. In order to use Clove oil, you can take ¼ teaspoon olive oil and add a few drops of oil to it. For using it, just take a cotton ball and soak it in the mixture. Put this cotton ball on the affected area in your mouth. Another method to use clove for getting relief is to grind clove and putting it on the affected area in your mouth. But using oil is more preferred since oil will reach to the roots as much as possible.

There are a few toothache pain relief methods that can take away all your toothache and help you in making your teeth and gums better!

Dental Caries - What Dental Caries Are and How You Can Prevent Them?

Dental Caries - What Dental Caries Are and How You Can Prevent Them?

Dental caries are nothing more than cavities to those of us that are not dentists. They are caused by a lack of good personal hygiene as well as consuming too many sugary foods and beverages. Genetics have something to do with it also. This is why some people lose all of their teeth at an early age while others keep theirs for a lifetime.

Dental caries are very common in third world countries where dental care is not provided. The disease is the most prevalent in Latin American countries, Asia, and Africa. However, in the United States it is said that dental caries is one of the most common childhood diseases, much more so than asthma. Adults are also susceptible, especially those over the age of fifty.

The number of people affected in underdeveloped countries has decreased due to preventative measure to help reduce the risk of dental caries. Many organizations have also been helping teach members of third world countries better oral hygiene practices, so that they will have a smaller chance of having the dental caries disease.

If dental caries are spotted in the early stages, then major cavities and other dental care can usually be prevented. The area can be treated appropriately. However, in most cases, dental caries are not found in time and you must see a dentist to get the tooth repaired before it dies. Dental caries erode the teeth, causing holes in the tooth's surface. If the hole makes it through the top two layers of the tooth, then the dentin will be affected. This is when a major cavity is formed. Unfortunately, by the time this condition is discovered the person is in an extreme amount of pain because of exposure to the nerve. Depending upon how deep the cavity has progressed, the dentist may be able to use a permanent filling to repair the tooth. Other treatments that can be provided are a cap on the tooth, a root canal, or extraction of the tooth, depending on how extreme the damage is.